Design Team – Wanna Be on it?…and a birthday cake :)

Just a quick reminder that our design team submission is still open. ) If you want to participate in the group, please submit your creation with Annie to by March 30 at 5 PM.

I would love to see what you guys come up with. :)…we have only a few submissions at this point, so I am hoping for a last minute rush. 🙂

Our next Tiddly Tuesday image will be released Tuesday, March 30.

And on a personal note, I am having a birthday later this week (30mumblemumble something LOL) and I had a small party today with my family. My mother hasn’t made me a birthday cake since i was 11, but this year, she and my daughter had the best time creating a cake for me. I love dragons and fairies and all things magical and fantastical, so they created a HILARIOUS set of cakes. One cake was an ocean with a mermaid in distress as she was being threatened by the other cake, a huge dragon atop a mound of rice crispies treats shaped in a mountain…too funny. The mermaid even had a treasure chest of gems…I guess the dragon was trying to take it. LOL My nephews decorated my present bags and my hubby got me a scarlet hammock…ahhh, I am in heaven now just relaxing in the sun. 🙂

I feel fantastically loved. 🙂

I hope each of you has a great weekend and gets a chance to create a card (hopefully to submit for our design team LOL).

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