Hey all,
I had previously emailed all winners and those who joined in with the free Faythe, but I also wanted to follow up with a blog post. Thanks for joining in with the blog hop. I hope you enjoyed the little Faythe as a thank you. 🙂 I am so grateful for each and every one of you!!
- $10 for Hazel/Dido: https://
didosdesigns.blogspot.co.uk/ 2018/04/tiddly-inks-blog-hop. html - $10 for Jen Scull  http://
justcoffeepleasestampsribbonsp aper.blogspot.com/2018/04/you- are-amazing-for-sloth.html?m=1 - $5 for Meghan https://
trainwithmeghan.wordpress.com/  from blog # 22 Comment #1 - $5 for Bernadet # 8 comment  on blog #21  http://cardsbybernadet.
We would like to offer a guest DT spot for May to: